Other Financial Aid

Learn about other organizations’ financial assistance programs.

Financial Aid and Scholarship Programs from Training Entities

Peer Academy Enhanced MHPS

Designed for people interested in starting a career, but who have not been trained.

Enhanced MHPS program provides you access to our existing MHPS training (Supplemental components), as well as support before and after training to help you learn about different work environments. We’ll also provide additional learning modules and support as you go through the certification process. This program concludes when you’ve successfully received your provisional (6-month) Texas Mental Health Peer Specialist (MHPS) and completed all of the training.

Texas Workforce Commission

Texas Workforce Commission

The Texas Workforce Commission offers a comprehensive array of financial aid programs aimed at assisting individuals who require support. This aid covers a wide spectrum of options, ranging from CORE training to supplementary education, providing a variety of opportunities to those in need.

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